Wie findet ihr mein Referat?Bitte seid ehrlich,und is es ein wenig Lehrerfeindlich(den das will ich ja nicht)?
2007-11-09 08:38:14 UTC
What makes a good teacher?
What is a good teacher in my opinion?

A teacher have to help children learn. With a good teacher you’ll find that you have learnt something new at the end of every lesson. To do this, they must enjoy their work. Making children learn is easier than it sounds and a teacher will need many skills and the right personality, than there is nothing worse than a monotonous, droning voice on a Monday morning or, in fact, at any time.

I find teachers shouldn’t talk too much because telling doesn’t mean learning. School can be a lot of obstacles for children to tackle. Some children find it more difficult to learn than others or have social problems. They may be bullied or criticised. Some children also have family problems. That’s why teachers should understand and respect children because they might have gone through a lot of suffering. It shouldn’t matter who the child is, whatever their race or background, a good teacher should never be prejudiced. They should give all children the same chance to learn. This make everybody feel happy and confident.

However, just being kind wouldn’t work because we would be able to murder someone right under the teacher’s nose! All teachers need to be strict, even if it’s just a little bit. Otherwise the class would be too disruptive and no one would be able to learn.
However, too much freedom might lead to anarchy! There have to be some rules but they don’t have to be pointless.
The teacher should always stick to their rules and be consistent.

Most children think school is boring. However, a good teacher can make all the difference. Interesting work is the key factor. When teachers set dull work, it is more difficult to concentrate. Thought-provoking work can inspire children to learn. For example, documentary videos can be very interesting. Work can be fun.

Teachers with a good sense of humour are normally the most popular. Personally, I feel most teachers try and be funny sometimes by telling occasional jokes. This is fine as long as the jokes are funny. To crack funny jokes the teacher must understand children’s humour.
Teachers who are patient won’t lose their coolness. If teachers don’t lose their coolness that means there will be a happy class and a happy class equals more work and learning.

Every teachers first sentence is," Students if you even ask me hundred times I will explain it to you" But almost 98% teachers don’t apply to this condition.
I find it is helpful when teachers repeat explanations or instructions, particularly difficult ones. Teachers who are impatient when repeating things are very unpopular with children. Sometimes you need things explained more than once and in different ways. That is why I prefer patient teachers to impatient ones. As well as giving an explanation, teachers need to listen to them. Children often give an ear and they deserve one back. Children shouldn’t be frightened of their teacher so that they daren’t ask questions. Teachers should encourage questions and be good at explaining.

Understanding the way children think is one of the hardest skills my ideal teacher needs. To do this, teachers must at first like children. Secondly, they probably need experience. Children think differently to adults. A good teacher will probably remember being a child. This is fine, as long as they don’t start reminiscing!

Being organised and punctual is important. You can’t expect children to be organised unless they are set an example. Teachers are role models so they have to set a fine example. If teachers are showing up for lessons without their books children will copy them and use it as an excuse. Lessons should be well structured with lots of different activities to do.

I say a good teacher . . .
-is kind
-is generous
-listens to you
-encourages you
-has faith in you
-keeps confidences
-likes teaching children
-likes teaching his/her subject
-takes time to explain things
-helps you when you're stuck
-tells you how you are doing
-allows you to have your say
-doesn't give up on you
-cares for your opinion
-makes you feel clever
-treats people equally
-makes allowances
-tells the truth
-is forgiving.
-trying to make the lesson interesting for the students
-polite, patient, understanding, creative..
-should be calm and cool.
-shouldn’t get irritated quickly
-not giving a lot of homework
-not punishing without having a serious reason to do it someone who is interested in what he/she teach
-pushes his/her students
-cares about the student, and not about the tests scores
-nice but keeps control of a class
-never has to yell
-relates lessons back to real life

One who applies to all conditions above is a good teacher in my opinion!

It is hard for teachers to be ideal all the time and in all these different ways. Having a lot of teachers means that some will be good some of the time. Nobody can be perfect..........
Fünf antworten:
2007-11-09 09:47:29 UTC
Finde dein Referat auch echt gut. Sehr ausführlich. Sprachlich soweit ganz gut. An ein paar Stellen könnte man das ganze vll ein bisschen "schöner" gestalten, aber wirklich gelungen!
2007-11-09 22:28:43 UTC
Gut. So wie es da steht: 2.

Lehrerfeindlich gar nicht. Und Kritik, wenn sie denn angebracht ist, kann nie schaden.

Ich habs überflogen und versuch nur kurz das Wichtigste in Großschrift zu verbessern. Wirklich nur kurz überflogen.

TEACHERS have to help...

... the right personality, FOR there is nothing worse...

I THINK teachers shouldn’t talk...

COLOUR OF SKIN or SOCIAL background aren't important, much more...

However, just being kind wouldn’t work because we ARE able to KILL someone while he or she is present!

All teachers MUST be strict, AT LEAST TO A CERTAIN DEGREE. Otherwise the class would be too disruptive and no one would be able to learn.


The teacher should always stick to their rules and be consistent (das ist noch viel wichtiger, die...grins...also ihr, müsst euch auf einen Lehrer verlassen können, positiv und negativ, wenn wir Konsequenzen androhen, müssen die bei Bedarf auch folgen. Wenn wir Versprechen geben, müssen die eingehalten werden. Verlässlichkeit, in jedem Bereich, ist glaub mit einer der wichtigsten Faktoren...(hab ich an einer Ausnahme-Erziehungsschwierigen-Schule gelernt))

Most children...

Teachers with a good sense of humour... (super!)

Every teachers first sentence is (NEEEE...some teacher's sentence is...I'll show ýou once...and please listen and try to understand. For the ones writing letters or dreaming or... ok, I'll show you twice... BUT I am not a parrot!!!!!!!! So try to listen...grrrrrr.... Wenn einer es versucht aber wirklich nicht kapiert, dann erklär ich es von mir aus bis in alle Ewigkeit)," Students if you even ask me hundred times I will explain it to you" But almost 98% teachers don’t apply to this condition.

I THINK it is helpful when teachers repeat explanations ... good at explaining. (super!)

Understanding the way children think... (das ist sowas von wahr!!!)

Being organised... (yep...hast ja recht...gut formuliert! Ausrutscher sind aber zu verzeihen? ;-))

I say a good teacher . . .

-TRIES to make the lesson interesting for the students

-IS polite, patient, understanding, creative..

-DOESN'T GIVE TOO MUCH homework (ab der 5. Klasse sollten es - laut Schulgesetz - ca. 2 Stunden, incl. Lernen sein)

-DOESN'T PUNISH without having a serious reason to do it someone who is interested in what he/she teachES

(Vor allem: macht keine Kollektivstrafen...auch verboten!)

Insgesamt: Wow! Hast dir echt Mühe gegeben! Respekt!

Find ich auch interessant, ich werds mir morgen nochmal genauer durchlesen.

Alles Gute und viel Erfolg (den wirst haben damit)!


ps: vergiss ein handout nicht...sowas ist immer gern gesehen...
2007-11-09 17:04:44 UTC
Ausführlich, inhaltlich stimmig.

An der sprachlichen Ausführung könnte man noch etwas feilen ...
2007-11-13 11:01:21 UTC
Ich find es gut !

viel Glück beim Vortragen
2007-11-10 11:48:24 UTC
Kann mich den anderen nur anschließen. Das Referat ist - bis auf ein paar kleine sprachliche Mängel, die ja jetzt schon genannt wurden - klasse.

Weder beleidigend noch sonstwie lehrerfeindlich, sondern objektiv und positiv formuliert. Viele hätten wohl geschrieben, was ein Lehrer alles falsch machen kann, aber du hast positive Vorschläge gegeben, also super!

Was ich evtl noch verändern/hinzufügen würde:

Du sagst im Anschluss an deine Liste, dass derjenige ein guter Lehrer ist, der alle diese Sachen erfüllt. Das ist zwar sicher richtig, aber vielleicht wäre es fair, nicht gleich die komplette, sondern überwiegende Erfüllung der Liste zu verlangen. ;o)

Um nicht alle Verantwortung auf den Lehrer abzuwälzen, könntest du evtl noch hinzufügen, dass ein Lehrer natürlich auf interessierte und sich weitgehend gut benehmende Schüler angewiesen ist. Auch wenn dein Thema "gute Lehrer" und nicht "gute Schüler" ist, weiß dein Lehrer sicher zu schätzen, wenn du diesen Fakt auch berücksichtigst. Musst du aber natürlich nicht, dein Schluß "Nobody's perfect" sagt ja auch noch einmal aus, dass es nicht um Perfektion geht, sondern um die generell richtige Richtung.

Viel Glück für deinen Vortrag!

Dieser Inhalt wurde ursprünglich auf Y! Answers veröffentlicht, einer Q&A-Website, die 2021 eingestellt wurde.